Reconstruct a progression model using CAPRESE algorithm. For details and examples regarding the inference process and on the algorithm implemented in the package, we refer to the Vignette Section 6.
tronco.caprese(data, lambda = 0.5, silent = FALSE, epos = 0, eneg = 0)
A TRONCO compliant object with reconstructed model
recon = tronco.caprese(test_dataset_no_hypos)
#> *** Checking input events.
#> *** Inferring a progression model with the following settings.
#> Dataset size: n = 40, m = 28.
#> Algorithm: CAPRESE with shrinkage coefficient: 0.5.
#> *** Evaluating LogLik informations.
#> The reconstruction has been successfully completed in 00h:00m:00s