Bootstrap a reconstructed progression model. For details and examples regarding the statistical assesment of an inferred model, we refer to the Vignette Section 7.
type = "non-parametric",
nboot = 100,
cores.ratio = 1,
silent = FALSE
The output of tronco.capri or tronco.caprese
Parameter to define the type of sampling to be performed, e.g., non-parametric for uniform sampling.
Number of bootstrap sampling to be performed when estimating the model confidence.
Percentage of cores to use coresRate * (numCores - 1)
A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
A TRONCO compliant object with reconstructed model
boot = tronco.bootstrap(test_model, nboot = 1, cores.ratio = 0)
#> *** Executing now the bootstrap procedure, this may take a long time...
#> Expected completion in approx. 00h:00m:08s
#> Using 1 cores via "parallel"
#> Reducing results
#> Performed non-parametric bootstrap with 1 resampling and 0.05 as pvalue for the statistical tests.