export input for cbio visualization at http://www.cbioportal.org/public-portal/oncoprinter.jsp
file = "oncoprint-cbio.txt",
hom.del = "Homozygous Loss",
het.loss = "Heterozygous Loss",
gain = "Low-level Gain",
amp = "High-level Gain"
A file containing instruction for the CBio visualization Tool
gistic = import.GISTIC(crc_gistic)
#> *** Using full GISTIC: #dim 9 x 6
#> *** GISTIC input format conversion started.
#> Converting input data to character for import speedup.
#> Creating 24 events for 6 genes
#> Extracting "Homozygous Loss" events (GISTIC = -2)
#> Extracting "Heterozygous Loss" events (GISTIC = -1)
#> Extracting "Low-level Gain" events (GISTIC = +1)
#> Extracting "High-level Gain" events (GISTIC = +2)
#> Transforming events in TRONCO data types .....
#> *** Binding events for 4 datasets.
#> *** Data extracted, returning only events observed in at least one sample
#> Number of events: n = 7
#> Number of genes: |G| = 6
#> Number of samples: m = 9