displays a Shiny user interface to
handle the VCF and BAM files processing that is needed to
construct the input for the LACE inference algorithms.
The function generates also the maximum likelihood longitudinal
clonal tree, and shows the output for further explorations of
the results.
The function LACE
is still available for retrocompatibility.
The package is available on GitHub and Bioconductor. LACE 2.0 requires R > 4.1.0 and Bioconductor.
To install directly from github run:
LACE 2.0 uses Annovar and Samtools suite as back-ends for variant calling annotation and depth computation, respectively.
Annovar is a variant calling software written in Perl freely available upon registration to their website at
Perl can be found and installed at
Samtools suite is a set of tools to handle SAM/BAM/BED file format. It is freely available at To install Samtools follow the instructions in their website.